
How To Be Productive At Home When Bored

How To Be Productive At Home When Bored? 40+ Fun Ideas

Ever wondered how to be productive at home when bored? Here are 40+ fun, creative and productive ideas for you!

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How To Be Productive At Home When Bored

It’s funny how you dream of having rest time and get so easily bored when you finally have it. Who knew dying from boredom could be a real thing?

But I get it, there’s only so many Netflix episodes that you can watch without getting fed up. Specially when nothing else comes to mind when you’re sitting idle.

Funny this is, this endless *time pass* always ends up making me feel tired, even tho I’m doing nothing. In fact, I’ve found that I’m able to enjoy my off days so much better, when I’m more intentional about what I’m doing with them.

So, here are 40+ ideas of things that solve your how to be productive at home when bored fiasco, that are better than just scrolling through tiktok for 4 hrs!

Things to do to stay productive & Organized

1. set up a notion board

things to do to stay productive

Notion has gotten so popular recently! If you haven’t tried to organize your life on Notion at least once, what are you even doing?

Spend some time creating some notion spreads to help you stay organized – they have templates from habit trackers, to goal setting, to planning your trips.

2. plan your gifts

how to be productive at home when bored

This is a genius idea for how to be productive at home when bored.

I saw a girl on Insta about how she writes down what everyone keeps asking for throughout the year, so that on their birthdays, she knows exactly what to gift them.

Just create a list of gift ideas that your friends would love and be extra prepared for the holidays & birthdays this year!

3. Clean your mail

best ways to organize your life

This might not be your favorite thing on this list, but you’ll thank me late! Start deleting and categorizing your mails.

Also, create email templates. I came across this idea while researching and it’s literally genius!!

I honestly dread emails at this point, they take so much time and are way too boring. And creating email templates would solve half the problem.

4. While you’re at it, declutter your phone

I keep on filling my phone & laptop until it’s full and then end up deleting everything, because who’s got time to go through soo many files.

Well, you do now!

So, put on your comfy show in the background and start doing a deep clean. Take backups of all the important stuff and move them to a hard drive.

5. Something that you’ve been putting off for a while

You know what I’m talking about!

Whether it’s sending a mail, cancelling your subscription, or finally calling the plumber to fix the bathroom, it’s time to cross it off.

6. Review your financial goals

things to do to stay productive

Things you need

I know it’s kinda scary – learning how to manage your own money, as a young adult. But let’s take one step at a time. Starting with financial awareness.

So, take some time today to establish look at your bank account (if you haven’t in a while!).

Establish some financial goals. Maybe even a budget plan to stay on track.

Listen to papa Ramsey to get some ideas on how to get started!

7. Learn a new skill

how to be productive at home when bored

If there’s a hobby that you’ve been wanting to start – playing basketball, learn ukulele, or do pottery, start that today.

Maybe even sign up for a class and make it legit!

Hobbies help you relax and enjoy the moment. And the better you relax, the more productive you are.

8. Plan your week

weekly planner

I know, this is the most cliché advice on how to be productive at home when bored. But hear me out – it’s a simple 2 step process.

Take some time to do a weekly check-in : Basically, look at how your last week went before setting new goals. I follow this simple Start, Stop, Repeat method.

weekly check in, things to do to stay organized

Now, set some weekly intentions. Planning doesn’t always mean dumping all your tasks on paper, without even realizing if you’re actually making time for things that matter!

Related Post : How To Have A Productive Week w/o Planning For 3 hrs

9. organize your closet

organized closet

Organize your closet

Remember your favorite pair of blue jeans that’s nowhere to be found? Yep, you’ll find it today.

Organizing your closet is so satisfying.

One thing you can do to save time is plan your outfits for the week. Often you don’t have enough time in the morning to play dress up. This way you can be more intentional with your outfits.

10. Update your resume

Cuz you don’t want to miss an opportunity because of an outdated resume.

And while you’re at it, update your linkedin profile as well. Even if you’re not actively searching for a job, it’s always a good idea to keep them update.

Take it from a fellow Software engineer, your future self will thank you!

11. Make a Productivity hack list

Ever had one of those days where you have a big to-do list but don’t feel like doing anything?

To save yourself from wasting time on those days, create a list of things that make you wanna stay productive.

Whether you watch a Ted talk, do a brain dump, or go on a walk – whatever helps you get back in the mood.

So the next time you feel bleh, you know exactly what to do.

12. Order groceries and home supplies

things to do to stay productive

Walk around the house, check what home stuff you need, and make a list. So, you don’t have to make target runs mid-week for the smallest things – like toothpaste, or hair ties.

You can also plan your meals, and make grocery lists. Or do grocery pickups, if you don’t like walking down every aisle in grocery store. This’ll save you so much time.

13. Create a get sh*t done corner

how to be productive at home when bored

home Office Essentials

Clean your office space. Organize your stationary, categorize your documents, throw the unnecessary stuff.

It’s so hard to focus when your surroundings are a mess.

Also, add things to your office space that put you in the get sh*t done mode – like vision board, or a scented candle.

Here are 18 home office organization products you never thought of!

14. Start a side hustle

Who doesn’t want some extra cash rolling in?

Try one of the side hustle that goes with your skills. There are so many online ones out there you might like :

  • Online user testing
  • Blogging
  • Print on demand
  • Affiliate marketing
  • YouTube
  • Virtual assistants

15. Check expiration dates of Your makeup

how to be productive at home when bored

If you’re a product hoarder, you need to do this. It’s one of the simplest things to do to stay productive.

Check your makeup, pantry, and bathing supplies. And create 3 piles – keep, donate, throw.

This might end up taking a huge chunk of your time, so you can also divide it in several days.

how to be productive at home when bored – healthy ideas

16. go for a walk, take the scenic route

how to be productive at home when bored

What better to save you from boredom than a walk?

And since you have time, explore different neighborhood areas today.

Taking a walk is always so refreshing. And ofc, good for you health.

Your Hot Girl Walk Essentials

They’re literally so comfy!

17. Play a yoga video

how to be productive at home when bored

Yoga is another way to clear your mind!

Take out your yoga mat, put on a video on YouTube, and relax!

I love Mady Morrison’s 30 minute yoga for beginners, it’s such a good stretch, you can feel it in your body once you’re done!

18. answer some journal prompts

The biggest thing with journaling is that, it can’t be rushed. You need to have a calm space and a calm mind to get started.

And that’s why now’s the best time to do it. Put some calming music in the background, use these self discovery journal prompts and start exploring yourself.

Related Post : 30 Journal Prompts To Deal With Stress

19. meditate for 15 minutes

how to be productive at home when bored

If you haven’t been persuaded to try meditation at least once, you must be living under a rock.

Put your earphones on, close your eyes, and use a guided meditation to get started.

I guarantee you’ll end up feeling so relaxed afterwards.

20. Start a 30 day challenge

30 day challenges are so fun! And can be easy too, if they’re planned right.

Use this time to pick at least 3 habits you want to stay consistent at. And create your action plan.

Maybe even create a habit tracker and list of things to keep you motivated throughout the challenge.

Related Post : 20+ Ultimate 30 Day Challenges To Start

21. make a vision board

free printable, planner, vision board

Things you’d need :

It’s one of those things that you consider a waste of time but are actually end up using everyday.

So, get clear on your goals, take inspiration from Pinterest, and get creative.

You can create vision boards to keep as your phone and desktop wallpapers, or make a physical one and hang it someplace you’ll see everyday.

22. learn a new healthy recipe

If you’re like me, and have been putting off healthy eating because you hardly know any healthy recipes, and don’t want to survive on oats, this is for you!

Try cooking a new healthy recipe. This cookbook has some fast and budget friendly healthy recipe ideas!

23. 100 things you’re proud of list

how to be productive at home when bored

Here’s a fun challenge. Write down 100 things about yourself that you’re proud of.

Now, I know this may seem like a huge number. Especially when you don’t have a habit of appreciating yourself.

But just take a deep breath and start writing. You might find it hard to get to the initial 20. Or 30. But once your mind starts thinking in that direction, you’ll end up writing more than 100.

And this will drastically boost your confidence.

I was so resistant to make this list initially. Because just like everyone else, I could count on my fingers the things I was proud of. But now, I always go back to it whenever I start doubting myself.

Related Post : 8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Confidence

24. Drink some water

Simple. Healthy. Important.

And if you’re someone who wants to improve your water intake, just start carrying a water bottle around with you and it’ll literally solve your problem. There’s a reason why Stanley cups are so popular rn!

25. Upgrade your morning and night routine

If you don’t have a morning or night routine, it’s time to start one. It’ll truly change your life. Here’s how to get started.

And if you’re starting to feel that your morning routine is getting repetitive or boring, it’s time to upgrade it.

I love changing my morning routine according to different seasons. You don’t need to follow the same one all year round!

Related Post : How To Start A Morning Routine You’ll Actually Follow

26. Start a bullet journal

Bullet journal supplies you’d need

Bullet journal is the best way to get creative and get organized. You can literally create spreads to plan your days, track habits, or maintain reading logs.

Here’s a simple tutorial on How to start bullet journaling in 10 steps if you aren’t too artsy!

27. Go for a swim

how to be productive at home when bored

Swimming is another way of getting some movement. And it’ll also help you change your surroundings and clear your mind.

28. Go airplane mode

I know you’re getting bored and putting your phone on airplane sounds daunting but trust me, it can be pretty refreshing.

Specially now that you have 40+ list of things to do.

Pick some fun activities, ask your friend to join you and have a detox day.

Related Post : 10 Digital Detox Ideas To Relax

Self Care Ideas To Relax And Unwind

Rest is productive too. Sometimes, when you have nothing to do the best thing to do is NOTHING.

29. Zoom movie marathon with friends

self care ideas to relax

Sometimes lying on your couch and putting a movie in the background is all you need! If you have friends over, get your blankets and popcorns.

If not, get everyone on zoom call and have a movie marathon online.

30. catch up on sleep

I recently heard in a podcast by guy Raz that your 80% of your focus would improve if you just started getting 8 hour sleep.

It’s hard to get that when you’re swamped with work. So, put your phone aside and do the most productive thing you can right now – get some sleep! This is definitely the easiest thing on this how to be productive at home when bored list.

31. read

It’s my favorite way to do when thinking about how to be productive at home when bored.

If you like thriller, read the Inheritance Games series (I’m LOVING this one!) and if you want a soothing book, read Maybe You Should Talk To Someone.

32. puzzle

how to be productive at home when bored

There’s nothing like a good puzzle to disconnect from the world and really be in the present moment.

And the best part is you can just lay the puzzle on your dining table and finish it gradually in the ongoing days.

33. date night with yourself

how to be productive at home when bored

Give yourself some much needed me-time!

I love the idea of ordering my fav pasta, putting on a movie and sipping wine. Or maybe getting dressed and going to your favorite café is more your thing!

Related Post : 15 Relaxing Self Care Sunday Ideas

34. Talk to a friend you haven’t in a while

how to be productive at home when bored

We all have that one friend (probably, several) that we could talk to for hours!

So, facetime your bestie and have the much needed girlfriend talk – discussing everything from career, to latest fashion trends, to boys!

35. Ask your mom about Her fav childhood story

You’ve heard a lot of your childhood stories from your mom. But what about their childhood?

It’d be such a fun conversation to find out about their favorite childhood moments. And will help you get to know her and bond with her better.

36. Plan your dream trip

We all have that one place – Paris! Lol, even if you have something else on your list, let’s start planning it.

I know this might sound counter productive because there’s no way in hell you’re taking that trip anytime soon.

But honestly, once you start planning it – checking different hotels, flight tickets, or the cost of the trip – your brain starts finding ways to actually make it happen.

You can probably start budgeting for the trip and keep an eye out on the deals.

37. paint by numbers

how to be productive at home when bored

Time to get in touch with your creative side! Paint by numbers is such an amazing mindful activity.

Keep you phone in another room, get your partner to join you and start painting.

38. Write a letter to your future self

Imagine it’s Dec 2023, and you’re living your best life!

What does it look like?

Pick up a journal and get very specific, what are you wearing, where are you living, who’re you surrounded by?

And more importantly, how are you feeling, what are your habits, how do you make the people around you feel?

This journal entry will help get so clear on your vision and goals this year. Here are some other fun ones!

39. Take an enneagram test

Personality tests are so fun. You get to learn more about yourself and understand yourself better.

And enneagram is definitely one of the best. A lot of people swear by their enneagram type, and how it affects the way they behave.

It’ll hard take 15 minutes, but it’s so worth it.

And once you know your personality, it kinda starts making sense for you – why you behave a certain way.

40. charity

This is probably the best tip on how to be productive at home when bored. Use your time to help someone else.

Volunteer at a local charity. Bonus points if you get a friend to help out with you.

41. Take THE bath

how to be productive at home when bored

Bath Essentials

You know . . . the one that helps you relax, and forget all your worries, and feel like a princess!

Don’t hold back. I know, this bath is much needed.

Bring your bath bombs and scented candles out. Maybe even put your favorite episode of Modern Family in the background and have a relaxing bath!

This post is all about how to be productive at home when bored!

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