2022 is quickly approaching, and what better time to set new year goals than now? I’m not talking about New Year’s resolutions (we’ll save those for another day), but rather some goals you’d like to accomplish this year.
Making new goals at the start of the year can help you get off to a good start. And give you the necessary momentum for a successful year ahead.

Note : This is the 4th post in a 10-post series on ‘How To Start A Bullet Journal For Beginners’. So, if you’re new to bullet journaling you can use this guide to start a bullet journal from scratch. Here are the links to all the posts!
Day 1 – How To Start A Bullet Journal ( No Art Skills Required!)
Day 2 – How To Easily Create Your Introduction, Key And Index Page
On Day 3 – How To Create A Future Log In Bullet Journal
Day 4 – You’re here!
Day 5 – How To Create Bullet Journal Quotes Page and More
On Day 6 – Must Have Bullet Journal Pages For A Better 2022
Day 7 – How To Create A Bullet Journal Monthly Spread
Day 8 – Bullet Journal Habit And Mood Tracker Ideas
On Day 9 – Simple Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Ideas For Beginners
Day 10 – 15 Easy Ideas For Bullet Journal Collections
Benefits Of Using A Bullet Journal For Goal Setting
Using a bullet journal in your goal-setting process will increase your chances of success. Here’s why.
When you write something down, you begin to focus on it and can visualize it. According to Forbes, if you vividly visualize the goals you want to achieve, you are 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to achieve them.
Looking at your goals over and over again cements them in your subconscious mind. And your attention is drawn to them more.

Also, your bullet journal can serve as an accountability partner. It will assist you in tracking your progress and holding you accountable when your efforts fall short.
Download these FREE bujo goal setting printables to get started!

But before reaping the benefits, you need to understand how to set realistic goals.
How To Set Your New Year Goals?
Most people are unable to set proper goals and develop action plans for them. As a result, they fail before they even begin.
Therefore, it’s important to set goals that are both aligned with your values and achievable within the time frame you’ve set. Try out this goal-setting exercise to help you set more realistic goals.
Here are the steps you need to take to get the gist of it,
Step 1 : Brain Dump Your Goals
Brain dump everything that comes to mind when you think about your new year goals. For example, passing a test, reading one book per month, healthy eating, or saving $10k.
Related Post : How to Do A Brain Dump To Declutter Your Mind

Step 2 : Take Inspiration From Your Future
I learned about this method from Aileen Xu. You can do this in your bullet journal or a rough notebook.
Take a notebook and write down on one page all of the qualities you believe you have right now. Include both your positive and negative habits.
Now imagine yourself a year from now.
On a separate page, list all of the characteristics you want your future self to have. How do you perceive him/her? Make a list of all the characteristics, items, and habits you want them to have.
Related Post : 10 Life Changing Daily Habits To Start Today
Step 3 : Know Your Why
Ask yourself ‘Why do I want to achieve this goal?’ Is it because your mother wants you to do this? Or you’ve been told that this is the safe route? Or you’re just doing that to boost your ego?
Sometimes we spend our entire lives chasing artificial goals, only to realize we never truly desired any of them. Before you set a goal, try to figure out why you want to achieve it.
Don’t let other people’s opinions influence your goals.
Step 4 : Set SMART Goals
Now that you’ve created a list of goals that you truly desire. Make it smart,
S- Specific. Be specific. Instead of writing, ‘I want to save more money’, use ‘ I want to save $10k’.
M- Measurable. Set goals in such a way that you can track your progress from time to time.
A- Attainable. Your goal should be action-oriented. What’s the point of having a goal if you don’t follow through on it?
R- Relevant. Set goals that align with your values and your long term objectives.
T- Time Specific. A goal without a deadline is just a dream. Set a reasonable deadline for completing your goal.
Step 5 : Create Action Points
Start creating an action plan. Basically, what steps you can take each month, week, and day to achieve these goals.
This way, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to become your ideal future self.
Step 6 : Set Up A Reward System
Setting a reward system encourages you to work harder and makes you feel appreciated.
It isn’t only applicable when you reach your ultimate goal, NO! In fact, reward yourself every time you accomplish a small milestone.
Your rewards can be as simple as taking a day off or having your favorite meal. It will motivate you to keep going, believe me!
How To Create A New Year Goals Page?
Now that you’ve listed your goals, there’s not much left to do. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Step 1 : Pick a layout
- Use a simple list layout.

- You can use a table layout to include the end date and actions steps too.
- Use a circular layout, drawing a circle in the center and writing all around it.

- A Quarterly layout in which you write down your quarterly goals.
Note : All these templates are available to you as printables to download here for FREE.
Step 2 : Divide your goals in categories.
Divide your goals into different categories, like personal, professional, spiritual, relationships etc.
Reminder : Prioritize your personal goals over your professional goals.
Sort your spread into the categories. This way, you’ll be able to identify which section you’re focusing on or lacking in.

Step 3 : Write Down Your Goals
Rapid log all your goals in each category.
Step 4 : Create A Rewards List
Create a rewards list if you want to set up a rewards system. Make a list of everything you want to reward yourself with.
For example, buying your fave dress, visiting your favorite café, taking a day off, or simply eating cookies for dessert. Whatever it is, don’t forget to thank yourself for your efforts.
Ready to achieve your Goals Via Bullet Journaling?
Use this post to set proper goals, create your perfect yearly goals spread and take inspired action. Leave a comment below letting me know how you’re enjoying the challenge so far!
Day 5 On ‘How To Start A Bullet Journal For Beginners’
In the next post, we’ll keep the motivation going by deciding on a mantra for the coming year. You’d also make a highlights of the year page to collect all of your memories!
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