This post is all about productive things to do everyday that take 10 minutes (or less) & will make you feel a hell lot organized!

Being productive everyday can be easier than you think.
If you feel like you’re wasting a lot of your time and are looking for productive things to do everyday to make the most of your days, I’ve got 42 10-minute tasks that you can start doing *literally* today.
In fact, if you are in a productivity slump, these 10-min tasks are the best way to get some quick wins first (without having to waste a lot of your time). It helps you feel so motivated and build some initial momentum.
You see, productivity doesn’t need to be this big scary thing. And you don’t need to wait for a 3-hr window to finally get your life in order.
You get so much free time in your day – during breaks, in-between meetings, while scrolling through insta, or while procrastinating important tasks, haha. Just use these pockets of time to boost your productivity, for real!
These 10 minute wins will make you feel on top of your game! They also make you realize that it’s easier to finish your big fat tasks if you break them into small bite-sized ones.
I love these 10 minute productivity hacks because there’s so little resistance around doing them and even if you just do 3 of these tasks in a day, your future self will thank you!
Productive things to do everyday
1. drink water
Seriously, do it now.
Like NOW.
In fact, fill a water bottle and keep it on your desk. I’ve found that keeping a water bottle by your side serves as the perfect reminder to stay hydrated and helps you track your water intake easily.
2. set reminders on google calendars
Stop relying on your memory for important reminders!
Set up all the meeting schedules and deadlines on google calendars. And you can also add zoom links, location, and important notes on your calendar, so that you have everything in one place.
3. create a morning routine
I’m a big fan of routines in general. And starting a morning routine is not only beneficial for your health, but it also helps you be more prepared and organized for the day.
Use the next 10 minutes, to create a simple morning routine. Here’s exactly how to create a morning routine that works for you.
Related Post : Morning Checklist For Adults For Stress Free Mornings
4. write down all your bill due dates
Idk about you, but I’m so bad at remembering my bill due dates and always end up being 2 days late.
So, just write down all your bill due dates for the month right now. And maybe even set reminders for the same so you’re never have to pay extra charges. *facepalm*
5. clean your emails
Email cleanup seems like such a daunting task! Divide it into smaller achievable tasks and you’d have a clean inbox before you know it.
So, just take 10 minutes to deal with last 2 days emails. Reply to the ones that are important. Unsubscribe from unnecessary ones. You can also create email templates for you standard replies. (Trust me, this’ll save you so much time 😉
6. download freedom app
Freedom is a productivity app that helps you block certain apps and notifications during work time.
If you find yourself scrolling through Instagram during work and wasting 2 hrs straight (We all do!), this app is for you.

7. make a master to-do
I’m sure you have a big list of things you need to do. Write them all down in a master to-do list.
You don’t necessarily need to deal with all these things today. But at least you won’t end up forgetting them as you get busy with other stuff.
And every now and then when you’re free, you can plan to tackle one of the tasks from this list.

8. go on a walk
Walks are the best way to take a break. They really help you clear your mind, and come back to work with a fresh perspective. And ofc, stay healthy.
Try going on a walk the next time you feel overwhelmed and stuck at work, and you’ll see the difference yourself.
This has to be my favorite productive thing to do everyday on this list. Here are all the hot girl walk essentials you need
hot girl walk essentials
9. talk to a friend you’ve been wanting to
I know, how difficult it is to stay in touch with your friends and plan hangouts as an adult. So, if you’ve got some time now, use it to catchup with your friend.
I know you might not consider it as the most productive thing to do everyday, but trust me, these relationships are far more important than your work!
10. order groceries
Create a list of all the groceries you need so you can order them for pickup or get it delivered at home!
Grocery deliveries is such a genius hack that everyone should try! This will save you from your mid-week grocery runs.
11. order house hold stuff
Take a walk around your house and list down everything that needs your attention – maybe a switch isn’t working, or you need drawer organizers, or a new shampoo bottle. Whatever it is, write it down.
And start tackling them one by one, call the electrician, order stuff from amazon. This is such a simple tip but will literally help you stay on top of your organization game!
12. categorize your laundry
Laundry is another dreadful house task, haha! So, just do one thing that’ll make it easier for you to do laundry later.
Maybe just take your pile of dirty clothes and divide them into lights and dark sections. If you already have a pile of washed clothes, just fold them and organize them in your cupboard.
13. plan out your clothes for the week
And while you’re doing that (#12), you can also plan your outfits for the rest of the week. It’s such a fun productive thing to do everyday.
And will save you so much time in the morning, without having to worry about looking like a hermit, haha!
14. enroll in a course
Is there something you want to learn? Maybe you want to improve your professional skills, or financial habits.
Do some research on what course you like the best and enroll in it. You don’t have to start learning right away, but this gets you one step closer.
15. make a vision board
Creating a vision board isn’t essentially a productive things to do everyday. But it sure as hell will help you be more productive and motivated later on.
Also, use this as an opportunity to set some clear goals. And keep this vision board somewhere you can actually see it everyday.
16. brain dump
Brain dump essentially means to write down everything that’s on your mind. So you finally have it all out. And once you see things on paper, it’s much more easier to work through them!
If you’re looking for a solutions to a problem, try to come up with 5 different ideas that might help. Or if you just need some prompts, use this 5 minute guided journal.

17. get yourself a notebook To keep with yourself at all times
This is the best productive things to do everyday, especially if you have a distracted mind like mine.
So, the next time you have a thought in between your meetings (whether that’s an idea or an important reminder), you write it down. So you won’t end up forgetting them and can come back to this list later.
Related Post : How To Be Productive With An Easily Distracted Mind
18. put your phone on charge far away from you
The first thing we when we get a 10 minute break (even a 2-min one), is scrolling through the phone.
So, put your phone on charge away at the other side of the room to avoid that from happening. And then, pick something off this list to do something productive, haha.
19. read
Reading is slowly becoming my favorite way to procrastinate and I’m not complaining.
Mainly because it feels so relaxing and productive nonetheless.
If you want to start getting back into reading, this blog post has some genius hacks for you! Here are some of my current reads that I’m loving.
20. delegate
If you really want to be more productive, you need to start getting better at prioritizing your tasks.
And differentiate between tasks that need your attention, from tasks that you can be taken care of by someone else.
Identify at least 3 tasks that you can delegate. Whether you hire someone, delegate tasks to your office colleague, or ask for your husband’s help on household work.
21. make coffee before the next meeting
If you’re a coffee lover, use this break time to make a cup of coffee, so you don’t doze off in between the next zoom call, haha.
And you can use this coffee warmer to keep your coffee at the correct temperature.

And if you have more time, make yourself a healthy snack too, cuz why not!?
22. create a notion board
Notion has all the buzz these days, and rightfully so!
It’s so easy to literally get your entire life organized inside Notion. So, have fun experimenting with some Notion spreads. You can also try their free templates to get started.
23. or if you’re a paper planner, download this freebie

Now that’s a 2-min win, haha! I update these free planners every month, so if you want some aesthetic and practically designed planners, you’ll love these.
And if you’re really serious about getting your sh*t together, get the 2023 Kokumber planner.
24. make a gratitude list
This is one of the simple productive things to do everyday.
Just write down 3 things you’re grateful for. And be very specific about them, so you can actually feel the feelings of gratitude.
Doing this every single day, would actually have such a positive impact on your mindset.
25. puzzle
No, I’m not asking you to finish a 1000 piece puzzle in 10 minutes. It’ll probably take hours.
If you’re like me and keep your half done puzzles on your dining table, your break time is perfect to make some progress there.
26. create a distraction free zone in your house
Your little productivity corner!
Clean out your desk, organize the documents, keep all your essentials around, maybe even light a focus candle to get the proper vibe 😉
Here’s every the dream home office setup for every wfh person.
27. organize your medicines
Organize all your medicines and vitamins in this monthly organizer, so you don’t have to keep searching for them around the house.
Plus, this will make you feel so Type-A, isn’t it?
28. clean your phone
My toxic trait is to keep filling phone storage until it’s full and then deleting everything at once. So, this is definitely one of the productive things to do everyday that I need to try myself.
Use these small breaks to go through your gallery, notes app, maybe even alarms, and delete the unnecessary stuff.
29. one thing you’ve been avoiding
What’s the one thing you’ve been avoiding? I know that you know the answer already!
It’s time to rip the band-aid off and do it.
Let me simplify, just convince yourself to do it for the next 15 minutes, that’s it. A lot of times, getting started is the hardest part, and once you cross that threshold, you’re easily motivated to get through the rest.
30. meditate
Trying 10-minute guided meditations are the best way to start meditation. And it will actually help you feel calm and relaxed.
And who knows, this might just lead to you creating a new habit!
31. get creative
What’s you creative outlet? Spend time doing that. Whether you like painting, bullet journaling, or dancing.
This will actually energize you while making you feel at peace (funny but so true!)
If you want to try something new, do a paint by numbers.
Related Post : How To Start A Bullet Journal (For Not So Creative Beginner)
32. set some goals for the next week
I love setting goals but the main reason I avoid goal setting is because it looks like this BIG time consuming process. But there’s no rule that it has to be like that, right?
So, don’t wait till the Monday to start a fresh week, use this time to come up with 5 weekly goals.
And make them actionable and trackable. For eg, Your goal could be I want to read 5 books/week. and the actionable goal should be to read ‘1 book/day’.
So that you don’t have to wait till the end of the week to see if you accomplished your goal, you can track it everyday.
33. 10 min house cleanup
I learned this cleaning hack from Jess and it’s the best thing on this productive things to do everyday list.
Simply set a 10-minute timer and start cleaning. Put everything at it’s place. Clean out a junk drawer. Or just vacuum one room.
34. put on a face mask
So, all these stressful workdays don’t show up on your face, haha.
But a little pamper in between work calls never hurt anyone! Pick your favorite face mask and relax for the next 15 minutes.
35. do a debrief
Doing daily/weekly debriefs can help you identify your work patterns and use them to be more productive.
Simply answer these questions :
- What time of the day are you the most productive?
- What helps you be productive?
- What’s your most evident distraction?
- How can you avoid these distractions tomorrow?
- What else can you do to be more productive?
36. take enneagram test
An enneagram test is not an end-all, be-all thing and everyone’s different.
Knowing your personality type can help you identify your patterns and understand your actions better.
And if you don’t want to get that serious, just do it for fun!
37. water your plants
This is such a simple quick win on the productive things to do everyday list. Just water your plants and keep them hydrated.
38. update your bookmark links
If you have 100 tabs open right now, and 50 random bookmark links, this pointer is for you!
Go through your bookmarks tab and update it. I’m sure you’ll find tons of 10 year old links that you didn’t even know were bookmarked, haha.
39. make a birthday list
Hear me out! A girl in my bookclub mentioned this and it’s literally genius.
She said that she writes down birthday wishes for everyone in her notes app in advance, and always keeps a running list of things they’re asking for.
So when their birthdays come, she knows exactly what to get them and has the most thoughtful message.
If that isn’t a genius life hack, i don’t know what is!
40. clean out your purse
If you’re someone like me, who only empties her backpack when she needs to transfer that stuff to another backpack, you need to do this.
Because a lot of times, I cry about losing my hairclip only to find it in my backpack.
41. create a on-the-go essentials pouch
Basically, a small bag with all your essentials that you can quickly pick and get out of the house.
Keep your glasses, water bottle, lip balm, wallet, and other basics, so that everything’s in one place and you don’t have to run around the house tryin to find it 5 minutes before you have to step out.
42. do nothing
Sometimes the most productive thing to do . . . is NOTHING.
Seriously, if you don’t take your rest time seriously, there’s no way you’re taking your work time seriously either. So, for the next 10 minutes, just be. Don’t do anything.
This post is all about productive things to do everyday!