The year is coming to an end. And, while you’re busy making New Year’s resolutions, it’s also important to reflect back on the previous year. End of Year Reflection allows you to pause, untangle your thoughts, and set new goals intentionally.
Use this process to analyze and learn from your past mistakes. But also consider your accomplishments and give yourself some credit (because honestly we don’t do that enough). You’ve grown a lot this year despite all the chaos; getting jabbed, enjoying Tokyo Olympics and adjusting to the new normal.
Fill yourself with gratitude. Rather than spiraling downward as you reflect on all the goals you were unable to achieve. Because half of the goals you set in January aren’t even relevant anymore.
So, here are 25 End Of Year Self Reflection Journal Prompts for you. You can pick one prompt each day, and journal for 5 minutes. And you’ll be all set to create some new year’s goals.
So, grab your journal ( I like marble print hardcover notebook) and start answering.
1. What was your biggest accomplishment last year?
Begin by praising yourself. Start your end of year reflections with writing down your biggest accomplishment last year, and it doesn’t have to be professional or financial.
2. What is one quality you developed that you’re proud of?
Whether you started waking up earlier, working out, or reading more books. One quality, one habit, one change at a time. That’s how you grow.
3. How have you changed since Last year?
A lot has changed in the last two years, including you. Make a list of the qualities you now possess that your pre-pandemic self lacked.
4. Relationships that you’ve developed in the last year?
How have you strengthened your relationships this year? Whether you made new friends or spend more time with your family.
5. What are the lessons you’ve learned this year?
You made a blunder? Cool. You’re about to learn something new. List your biggest takeaways from the year and how you plan to apply them in the future.
6. How are you holding yourself back?
If you’re not living your best life, chances are you’re sabotaging it. Find out the areas in your life where you’re not giving your 100% and making excuses.
Once you’re aware, you can call yourself out on your BS and start working FOR REAL.
8. What are the routines you’ve established?
Because I’m sure you’re focusing on your mental health as you adjust to your new normal. List some routines you’re proud of that you’ve developed.
Related Post : How To Create Your Perfect Morning Routine
9. Personal highlights from each month.
List your monthly highlights in your journal in the same way you do your Instagram highlights.
10. When were you the happiest last year?
It’s important to recognize the moments that bring us joy. Happiness can sometimes be found in the smallest of things.
11. How did you treat yourself this year?
Remember a time when you prioritized yourself over everything else and how it turned out.
12. Who were the most influential people in your life?
List down the people who inspired you to do better. It could be friends, family, a coach, or a celebrity.
13. What are you grateful for this year?
Make a looong list of things that made you happy or helped you grow.
Related Post : How To Start Gratitude Journaling
14. What did you learn about yourself this year?
How did you improve your self-awareness? If you don’t have an answer, here are some self-discovery journal prompts to get you started.
15. What books did you enjoy last year?
Mention your favorite books from the previous year. So you know which books you want to reread or gift someone.
16. How was your health – mental, emotional and physical?
Focus on all three aspects of your health. What did you do to take care of your health this year, and what are your health goals for the next one?
17. What significant life event occurred last year?
A life goal you achieved, a dream come true moment, or just something that had a significant impact on your life.
18. What is one piece of advice you would give to your old self?
Write a letter in your journal to your pre-pandemic self and share some life lessons.
19. How did you look after yourself?
Write about your self-care routine, books you’ve read, or yoga classes you’ve taken. And, if the list isn’t too long, start taking better care of yourself.
20. What is something you have struggled with, and how can you make it easier on yourself this year?
Look at the goals you didn’t accomplish and analyze the reason behind that. And see how you can get rid of them.
21. What are you excited for going forward in the next year?
An exciting project, business goals, or a girls trip. Have something to look forward to!
22. What is your mantra for the next year?
Choose a word or phrase that represents how you want next year to be for you. Don’t overthink it; just choose a word that speaks to you.
23. What one thing can you do next year that will significantly improve your life?
Having too many goals often leads to failure in all of them. As a result, choose one goal to be your top priority for the coming year.
24. How can you get out of your comfort zone this year?
Because your dream life lies outside of your comfort zone. And to make your next year your best year so far, you have to step out of your comfort zone.
25. imagine one year from now, what does your life look like?
Imagine it’s the same day next year, and you are living your best life. What does your life look like?
Mention Your Favorite End Of Year Prompts Below!
I hope these journal prompts help you in end of year reflections. Comment down below with some of your prompts from the list.
In the mood to set some new year resolutions, here are 50+ new year’s resolution ideas for you!
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Thank you soo much..
I jus needed this, to fix me n find a new me, the real me!!
It’s dec 2022, what does your life look like?
Really made me clear my mind on my priorities and what I want in my life from this year. Thank you for these amazing prompts.
Hey Neha,
I’m glad you liked these prompts. I’m sure you’re going to have an amazing year! 🤍