This post is all about the ultimate weekly reset checklist for a productive week.
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You may have heard, ‘A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.’ And honestly, I couldn’t agree more!
If you know the next few weeks are going to be hectic and stressful, you need a weekly reset routine to save your sanity.
A routine that allows you to sleep your heart out, have 0 tasks on your to-do list, and *actually* have fun while also preparing for a productive week.
But in reality, your weekly routine looks like you binging a Netflix show to avoid the Sunday Scaries.
A disorganized weekend like that will only leave you exhausted during the week.
While a perfect weekly reset routine may seem like a far-fetched fantasy, it is entirely possible if you simply follow this weekly reset checklist!
I’m a big fan of sloppy Sundays, so you don’t have to worry about this weekly reset checklist being another task on your weekend to-do list. Hell No!
I want you to have a weekend that’s perfectly balanced between uninterrupted relax time, brunch dates, and Sunday preps.
And if that’s something you’re looking for as well, trust me this weekly reset checklist will do you good!
weekly reset checklist
1. catchup with friends
Idk about you but this is a must for me! If you’re a people person you’d relate.
In fact, in my course Take Your Weekends Back, my main motto is to help you get sh*t done in 5 days so you don’t have to cancel the Sunday brunch plan with your girlfriends.
But honestly, you’re constantly sitting in front of the laptop throughout the week. Use your weekends to get out of the digital world and spend time with your loved ones.
Have family dinners and hangout with your friends. It’ll automatically fill you up with love and gratitude!
And it would be refreshing not to think about work for once.
2. debrief the week
This is another must in your weekly reset checklist.
You always go from planning one week to another, without actually reflecting on how the previous week went.
If your plan was good enough, what actions helped you get the results, what actions threw you off course, how can you improve this week?
My coach always says that debriefs are where the money lies. Basically, this is where you get to see what’s working for you and what’s not, and it literally helps you get results faster!
Here’s a quick 5 minute weekly debrief method (Start, Stop, Repeat) to try:
Every week write down 5 new habits that you want to start this week (START), 5 things you want to stop doing this week (STOP) and 5 things that you’re doing good and want to continue (REPEAT).

3. no socials day
Nobody wants to hear about it, nobody wants to do it, I get it! haha
But doing a social media detox day can be really refreshing.
You might have the urge to get up on a Saturday morning and go straight to Instagram (no work today, eh!).
And before you know it, it’s 12 pm and you’ve already wasted 3 hrs of your day (given you work up at 9, lol).
There are so many more fun things that you can do on your weekends if you cut down the social media time.
Here’s how to plan a fun digital detox day.
If you don’t want to do it for the entire day, you can try it for a few hours.
Maybe you can have a no phone policy at lunch, and all your friends can keep their phones locked in this box.
It will definitely help you be more present and actually enjoy in the moment.
Related Post : 10 Fun Digital Detox Day Ideas
4. rest and relax nights
The best part about the weekend is the Friday and Saturday nights where you know you don’t have to wake up the next morning worrying about your to-do list.
I love doing movie nights on the weekend. But you can plan any other relaxing activity that helps you embrace the weekend nights.
Here are a few ideas :
1) Movie nights! Here’s a list of 40 feel good movies you can pick from this week.
2) Read a cozy book. There’s nothing like a book to transport you to a different world. Here’s the world that I’m currently obsessed with :
3) Take a long relaxing shower. And watch a movie or read while doing that.
4) Kick back with a puzzle.
5) Call your friends over and play fun card games.
5. move a little
While weekend is the perfect time to catch up on some sleep. Don’t forget to use this time to move your body a little.
You can go to a Pilates class, do outdoor yoga, or go swimming!
It doesn’t even have to be your typical workout routine, you can try something fun like :
- Strolling around the city
- Take your dog on a walk
- Going on a hot girl walk
hot girl walk essentials
Weekend walks are truly my favorite thing ever. They give you enough time to catch up with your girlfriends or listen to a podcast.
Also, it’s the perfect excuse to spend some time outside, enjoy the nature and get some vitamin D.
6. skincare reset
If you’re anything like me, you find it really hard to make time for skincare during the workdays.
The only thing that I use during the week is sunscreen. And maybe a lip mask at night. (I know it’s baadd)
That’s why it’s the perfect thing to add to your weekly reset checklist and give your skin some love!
I usually love to do a body scrub, and apply face mask on the weekend.
Here are some of the most recommended products :
7. set some weekly goals
You’ve already debriefed your pervious week, now use that information to set new goals this week.
I’d recommend you to focus on your personal goals before setting your work goals.
Follow these prompts to get a better idea for your weekly goals:
- Pick 1-3 new habits you want to start this week?
- How can you show up as your better self this week?
- What do you want this week to look like? What are your intentions for the week?
As for the work goals, focus on things like managing your time, pitching new ideas, growing your knowledge in your field.
And if you have a side hustle, set some weekly goals that’ll inspire you to work hard on that as well.
One thing that will change your goal setting game is to keep your goals actionable.
Instead of saying “I’ll be more active this week”, set a goal like “I’d go on a walk 4x this week.”
This way you have a clear idea of what needs to be done and can be tracked easily.
Related Post : 21 No-Nonsense Daily Goals For Success
8. catchup on sleep – guilt free rests
If you’re spending your Saturday binging Netflix while feeling guilty for not working on your to-do list instead, you’re doing it wrong!
You’re only mentally exhausting yourself. And this will only make you feel tired and resentful for not being able to rest.
Ever had those days where you didn’t get anything done but also feel super tired? It’s because you didn’t work all day but also didn’t allow yourself to rest.
And honestly, I feel that you can’t be your most productive self if you don’t allow yourself to completely rest on your off days.
Even if that looks like watching love is blind, while lying on your couch and ordering pizza on a Saturday afternoon!
If that puts your mind at ease and allows you to come back more productive the next day, then keep doing it, boo!
There’s no right or wrong way to rest, for god’s sake! The only secret is to stop feeling guilty for rest.
9. pick your self care activity
Self Care Sundays have become a cliché now! And no, I’m not saying that taking a bubble bath and applying face masks will solve everything, haha.
But doing a self care activity that makes you feel like the main character is never a bad idea.
So, pick your favorite self care activity. Here are 42 tried-and-true ideas that are guaranteed to make you feel better.
The reason why it’s even more important to focus on self care in the weekly reset checklist is because you there are so many things you enjoy doing that you don’t usually get time for during the workday.
Keep your weekends for that stuff. You can also ask your friends and partner to join with you, and have a little self care date.
Related Post : Weekly, Daily & Monthly Self Care Checklist
10. Sleep early on Sunday
Because the last thing you want on a Monday morning is to skip your alarms!
I listened to a podcast by Guy Raz where he mentioned that 80% of our focus would automatically improve if we started getting 8 hrs of sleep.
That’s how much your sleep can impact your productivity.
So, make sure you go to bed on time on Sunday night and have a proper sleep so you’re well rested and energetic the next morning.
And if you’re a heavy sleeper, you can use this natural alarm clock that gradually increases the natural light in your room to wake you up.
Also, it would actually be best if you also find enough time for a slow morning routine on Monday.
11. get sh*t together hour
As much as you’d love your weekends to be all about sleep and sangria, there are still some things that you need to get in order to get ready for a new week.
It’s best to take care of these tasks on the weekend to avoid any hassle during the week and take control of your life before the Monday madness begins.
Now, this is the best case scenario, ofc! But if you do get to finish all these tasks on your list, you’ll definitely enter Monday with your best type-A boss personality.
Here’s everything you need to do to get your life in order :
- Deep clean one area of your house
- Zero out the inbox on Friday night
- Check your budget
- Get gas in the car
- Take out the trash
- Clean out your makeup brushes and water bottle
- Reorganize your tote bag
- Order groceries
- Plan your outfits for the week; especially your workout outfits
12. schedule week on google calendar

Or any other method that works for you.
I love paper planners but also swear by google calendars mainly because it’s so easy to move things around in it.
Now, before you start planning your week, look at your open tasks from last week, i.e. the tasks that you wanted to complete but never got around to doing them.
Evaluate if these tasks are still relevant? Only transfer the important tasks to this weeks to-do list.
Next, do a brain dump of all the tasks you want to get done.
And then prioritize your most important tasks. You might have a list of 100 things you want to do this week. And that’s the best case scenario ofc!
But not every thing is equally important. Most of your results can be accomplished from 20% of these tasks. Identify and prioritize the most important tasks first.
Then, start planning them out.
I love planning my entire week on the Monday morning. If you want to learn the exact method I use to plan my week to finish everything in just 5 days, check out Take Your Weekends Back.
If scheduling your days is too strict for you, just assign the tasks to each day of the week so that you at least know that you have enough time to finish all of them.
This post is all about the ultimate weekly reset checklist for a productive week.