This post is all about daily journal questions to ask yourself that’ll surely improve your days.
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If you do daily journaling, you know how difficult it is to come up with things to write about.
Sure you can do a brain dump or record your days, but sometimes you want to go a little deeper. Or just need a prompt to give you the push to start writing what’s on your mind.
I’ve been journaling for the past few years. For me, it’s the best way to process my thoughts and put my mind to ease.
And while most of my journal is filled with my brain dumps, there are a few daily journal prompts that I follow religiously! Gratitude prompts being one of them.
Trust me, some of these daily prompts will easily become a part of your everyday journal routine, and will help you understand your thoughts and patterns in a much better way.
“If you don’t ask the right questions you won’t get the right answers.”
Or simply use these daily journal questions to ask yourself to switch things up and add some fun to your daily journal routine.
benefits of keeping a journal
While there are tons of scientific benefits of keeping a journal. Here are some that I’ve noticed in the past few years.
1) Journaling gives you clarity. You’re constantly consuming information from all directions these days, journaling allows to sit down and process what you’ve consumed.
2) It’s a great tool to reflect and learn. And get results faster. Journaling helps you learn the lessons that you’d otherwise miss.
3) Journaling helps you reduces stress. Doing a brain dump helps you release all your emotions on paper. And realize that half of the things you’re worried about aren’t even worth it.
4) Journaling before bed helps you sleep better.
5) It helps to figure out your emotions. Because most of the times when you’re feeling bad, you don’t even know what it’s actually about.
6) It helps you understand yourself and your perspective better.
how to journal daily
There are so many different ways you can start a daily journal. Here are some simple ways to start your journal practice today.
1. morning pages
Journal your thoughts out in the morning to help you start your day fresh. This morning sidekick journal is meant to help you have your best mornings ever.
2. gratitude journaling
Writing down things that you’re thankful for instills feelings of gratitude. You can use this 5-min gratitude journal to get started with this.
3. brain dump
Write down everything that’s on your mind, onto a piece of paper. This is specially useful when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Related Post : How To Declutter Your Brain With A Brain Dump
4. bullet journal
A more creative way to journal. It helps you stay organized and productive.
Related Post : How To Start A Bullet Journal For Beginners
5. daily log
Recording your everyday life. Just not in a high school dear diary fashion.
Related Post : 30 Creative Empty Notebook Ideas
6. manifestation journaling
Journaling about your dreams and goals as if they’ve already come true. It can be really powerful if you truly believe in it. Try this daily manifestation journal if you’ve no idea how to get started.
7. Guided journaling
Using journal prompts to get a deep dive into certain parts of your life. You can start with the journal prompts mentioned below.
daily journal questions to ask yourself
Everyday journal prompts
- Make a list of things that you got done today.
- What’s your intention for the day? How do you want to feel by the end of the day?
- If you could do only one thing today, what would it be?
- What is your biggest distraction?
- What time do you feel the most productive?
- 5 things you’re grateful for?
- What are your biggest productivity boosters for you?
- What can you do today, to make your tomorrow better?
- How did you practice self care today?
- One thing you’re proud of doing today?
daily journal prompts for mental health
- What’s the one thing you want to let go of?
- Write about one challenge that you overcame in the past? How did it make you stronger?
- Write about a time you felt proud of yourself?
- What do you need to hear today? Say it to yourself.
- What’s bothering you? What’s the one thing you can do about it?
- What can you do today to nurture your mind, body and soul?
- How can you make more space for the things you love?
- How can you set better boundaries?
- Are you sacrificing something that makes you happy to impress other people?
- 3 Things you’re really proud of?
journal prompts for adults
- What would you want to say to your younger self?
- Who is your biggest inspiration?
- Describe yourself in 7 words.
- What does ‘love’ mean to you?
- What do you fear the most? What’s one thing you can do to overcome them?
- What would you do if you could not fail?
- What made you smile today?
- When was the last time you did something for the first time?
- What would Beyonce do?
- If you were the best at something, what would you do?
Daily Journal questions to ask yourself for self reflection
- How do you want to show up today?
- After a long day, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is?
- 3 habits you’d want to start and 3 habits you’d want to stop.
- Imagine you’re living your best life a year from now, what does it looks like?
- How are you really?
- What are you looking forward to next week?
- What’s really stopping you from changing?
- Are you being present?
- How do you want to feel next week?
- Something new that you learnt last month?
journal prompts for anxiety and stress
- How are you feeling? Where do you feel it in your body?
- Do a brain dump of everything that’s on your mind?
- Write down a prayer for the things that are not under your control.
- What do you need from your loved ones when you’re stressed? How can your loved ones support you?
- Are you safe right now? List down the reasons why you are safe right now.
- Write down a list of things that calm you down.
- Do you live in the past or the future?
- List down 3 areas where you can simplify your life.
- List down ways that you can ask help from other people for work.
- What are some things to let go of right now?