This post is all about the ultimate healthy morning routine checklist that’ll actually make you want to wake up!
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It’s so hard to find the time AND the “mental energy” you need to start healthy habits, especially when you’ve got sh*t to do! Obviously, health is the last thing on your priority list when you have a busy schedule.
But the kind of routines you have (like, sitting on the desk all day) because of these busy schedules, is exactly why taking care of your health is no longer a choice. It’s a necessity!
And I’ve found that the easiest way to find time for your health is by starting a morning routine. Because once you’re out the door, there’s no way you can make time for anything else but work. That, and the fact that the world is quieter and less distracting in the mornings.
That’s why even waking up 30 minutes earlier can help you make time for your health and start your day at the right note.
A healthy morning routine allows to work on your health before you go out and work for someone else. It also releases endorphins and other feel good hormones that help you stay motivated & positive in the morning.
So, here are 16 things to add to your healthy morning routine checklist that you absolutely need!
healthy morning routine checklist
1. put your gym clothes out
The best morning routines start the night before, lol! Basically, do things that’ll set you up for the next morning, so that you have less tasks to do when you get up.
This’ll make your life easier, especially if you’re not a morning person.
It reduces resistance. And you don’t have to spend 15 minutes everyday trying to find the right outfit, so you can reduce decision fatigue too!
2. and a water bottle on your bedside
To immediately drink water as soon as you get up. Basically, keeping your water bottle or journal on the bedside table serve as your visual cues.
So that, when you wake up and look at them, you’re immediately reminded to drink water or fill your journal as a part of your healthy morning routine checklist.
I’ve also found that carrying a water bottle with me throughout the day always reminds me to stay hydrated and drink more water. And these Stanley cups are so stylish you can never go wrong with them!

3. wake up on 1st alarm
I heard someone say that, nobody is a better salesman that your brain trying to convince you to hit the snooze button in the morning, because it almost always wins!
Don’t let that happen to you. Wake up at the exact time you intend to wake up on! So that you don’t start your day on a rushed note.
If you hate the buzzing alarm sound or are a heavy sleeper, get this sunrise alarm clock. It uses natural alarm sounds and gradually increase sunlight in your room to wake you up.
4. make your bed

You might not have time to do a proper house clean up in the morning, but don’t forget to make your bed. So that you at least have a clean bed to come home to after a tiring day.
Also, it helps you start your day with a win. Because you’ve already ticked off one task on your to-do list before you even step out of your room.
5. water before coffee
Not a lot of people are gonna want to add this to their healthy morning routine checklist, but staying hydrated in the morning is SO important. Especially because your body gets so dehydrated during sleep.
I know you need your morning coffee to actually open your eyes, but try to drink at least 1-2 glass of water and hydrate yourself before that.
6. put your phone on charge away from you
This is the one thing that will have the biggest impact on your mental health – turning off all notifications at night and not using your phone for the first hour in the morning.
If you have a habit of getting up and scrolling through tiktok, you know that it always results in you wasting 30 minutes of your time.
And you start your day with a failure and the regret of having wasted so much time on it.
Also, picking up your phone first thing in the morning puts your brain in a reactive state. You immediately begin to consider what other people want from you. a DM, or an email reply.
So, try to stay away from your phone for the 1st hour.
I’m sure there’s nothing so imp that can’t wait an hour. And if there is something urgent, you can always call.
Related Post : How To Stop Wasting Time On Social Media For Real
7. get in your workout clothes
If you’re anything like me you dread working out in the morning (or in general) and have zero motivation to do it.
If that’s the case, try this – every morning just tell yourself to get in your workout clothes without overthinking it.
You don’t need to stress about actually working out right now, just get into workout clothes, maybe even wear your shoes, that’s it.
And once you’re going about your morning routine in your cute workout clothes, you automatically feel more active. It’s all about reducing resistance.
8. write a gratitude list
This is literally the only thing on this healthy morning routine checklist that you’ll start seeing results from, like within a week.
Every morning, write down 3 things that you’re grateful for. And be very specific about it.
Simply writing “I’m grateful for the weather and my family is not going to cut it.” Think of the exact moments, “I’m grateful for the weather, I went of a walk yesterday and I felt ___”
It will seriously shift your mindset and you’ll start noticing random things that you’re grateful for throughout the day.
Related Post : 8 Ways To Practice Gratitude If You Find It Hard
9. work out
It’s no secret that working out in the morning is beneficial for your physical and mental health. Working out in the morning release feel good hormones, like dopamine and serotonin, in your body.
And if you’re following this healthy morning routine checklist, you’re way more equipped to actually workout now than ever before.
Now, you don’t need to hit the gym every single day, if that’s not your thing. Try yoga, pilates, or walks, whatever suits you. And preferably get some fresh air.
And feel free to switch things up to make it more fun.
10. sit in silence
Well, we’ve all heard the benefits of mediation and probably tried it at least once. So if you can add mediation in your morning routine, nothing like it!
I, personally, don’t do meditation that often yet! As an alternative, you can take 15 minutes in the morning to just sit in silence.
It’s just a way to sit down and process your thoughts, without distractions.
Whether you do it while you journal or sip your morning coffee; just create space for ideas and inspiration to come to you, instead of constantly consuming information.
11. cold shower
You might not like this, specially if you live in a colder region, but taking cold showers in the morning is beneficial for your physical and mental health.
It’s a win-win situation really!
They’re so good for your skin, but more importantly, cold showers is a simple way to improve your confidence.
Basically, every time you try to take a cold shower, a voice inside your head will pop up telling you that you can skip it and no one will ever know.
Well, it’s the same voice that holds you back every time you try to step outside your comfort zone.
And taking cold showers help you silence that voice, a little each day!
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12. *actually* get ready
You probably have noticed that on days when you hurry to get ready and leave the house in 15 minutes, you don’t feel your most confident.
So, take time to put some effort in your look. Now, you don’t need to put on your favorite dress and apply makeup everyday.
Just wearing a thoughtful outfit and applying sunscreen, would create a huge difference.
And as weird as it is, people tend to take you more seriously when you look better and feel confident.
13. write down your morning ideas
Idk about you, but my best thoughts come to me in the morning – from ideas, to things I need to do, to people I need to contact. (Probably because I try to avoid my phone for the first 2 hrs, and let my mind wander.)
But sadly I’m never able to write them down, so by the time I’m getting breakfast, I forget most of them.
And if that sounds like you, carrying a journal with you in the morning is a good idea. In fact, this write-in-shower notebook sure looks hilarious, but it’s exactly what you need your my life!

14. get a slow cooker to prepare dinner
I learned this hack from my favorite blogger @bysophialee and it’s such a genius trick.
Basically, you just prepare all the veggies and the recipe in the slow cooker in the morning, leave the cooker on throughout the day and by the time you’re home, boom, your dinners ready.
This’ll help you stay healthy and save money on takeout.
You might not do this everyday, but these crockpot recipes are so easy and yummy, you’d end up using it multiples times in a week.
15. pick an affirmation card
Choose a mantra for the day!
Basically, before asking anyone else what they want from you today, ask yourself what do YOU want today to look like? If you want to make it a little fun and are running out of ideas, just pick an affirmation card from this deck everyday and make that your mantra.
I love the idea of having a mantra/intention for the day because it helps you gain sight of what YOU want and makes it easier to take better decisions throughout the day.
16. look at your to-do list
This is probably something you already do.
But here’s the thing, I don’t thing creating to-do lists in the morning works.
Because having a long list of to-dos only make me feel overwhelmed, and results in me procrastinating the most important tasks.
Instead, create a to-do list the night before. And simply pick your top 3 priorities (things that absolutely need to get done, no matter what) in the morning. And focus on them first.
This post is all about the ultimate healthy morning routine checklist that’ll actually make you want to wake up!