I love goal setting and creating routines, we all do. Mainly because they show us what’s possible and all the things we can accomplish in the future.
And goal setting, if done correctly, actually helps you to achieve your goals faster. So, here’s a bomb ass 90 day method to help you accomplish epic goals in Q2. (You can use it for any quarter tho!)
Why This 90 Day Plan Works?
I have tried lots of goal setting methods, and they all work. But I couldn’t find something that also helped me focus on my routines and lifestyle goals as a part of goal setting.
Because I truly believe that focusing on ‘who you need to become’ rather than ‘what you need to do’ makes achieving your goals easier and more fun!
It’s pointless to loose 10 kgs on scale if you’d still choose pizza over salad when given a choice. It’s pointless to make 6 figures, if you can’t make time for your family or your hobbies.

If you don’t have a proper system, you won’t sustain those goals in the long run.
Therefore, I came up with this 90 day goal setting method, that will help you to set epic goals and create an even epic-er lifestyle to support these goals.
P.S. I’ve combined a lot of methods that I learned from my mentors and different coaches. And put together the pieces that worked for me.
This is a 2 part method. In this blog post, we’ll start with part 1 : Reviewing the last quarter.
Goal Setting Pt.1 – Q1 Review
Before planning Q2, it’s important to look back at Q1 to see what worked and what didn’t. And how can you improve going forward.
Think about your Q1 goals, take out your planner (if you used any) and start analyzing. Here are a few questions to answer as you go.
– What Q1 goals did you accomplish?
Reviewing your goals entails looking at both your successes and your failures. Give yourself a pat on the back.
List down all the goals (or the checkpoints) that you accomplish. Maybe you’re only 60% done with one of your goals. Great! List down all the checkpoints you reached to get to 60%.
– What do you think worked?
Perhaps you had a set routines that you followed religiously. Perhaps you hired a coach to help you achieve faster results. Make a list of everything you think worked. So, in the coming quarter, you can double down on these things to get twice as much result.
– Goals you didn’t accomplish
Make a list of the goals you didn’t meet. Also, remember not to be too hard on yourself. Don’t fret about it, it’s very normal. This is just good data for the future.

– Why?
Why do you think you weren’t able to accomplish the goals? Perhaps because you had a lot on your plate and didn’t prioritize it properly. Or maybe because you don’t want to achieve this goal at all.
This will allow you to re-evaluate the goals you’ve set and get clear for your Q2 goals.
– Grateful for?
No matter how hard you think Q1 was, you can always find something to be grateful for.
We’ve all got problems, but we’ve all got blessings too.
Write down atleast 3 things that you’re grateful for. It’s a good practice that reminds you that life happens when you’re busy planning other things.
Related : 8 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude
– Challenges you’ve overcome?
Aside from observing past mistakes, this section is really focused on all the goodness, to help you end Q1 on a high note. And have high hopes for Q2.
Write down 10 challenges you’ve overcome this quarter. It might seem like a big number, but once you get started you’ll realize you accomplished far more than you anticipated.
– Highlights of the quarter
It’s the little things in life – trips, family dinners, or the time you stepped outside your comfort zone and did something crazy.
I prefer you do this monthly, and by the end of the year, this will be a fun list to look back on.
– Reward
Creating reward systems can be very motivating. I recently hit one of my Q1 goals and got my nails done. . . hellooo! It’s another way to pause and appreciate the work you did and the goals you accomplished. Instead of diving headfirst into the next big thing.
I strongly advise you to implement reward systems, whether it’s as simple as ordering in from your favorite restaurant or as elaborate as buying new shoes.

Who Do You Need To Be?
Now to the part that I was talking about at the start of this post. Remember, you’re not just hitting goals, you’re creating a lifestyle.
1. Top 3 habits you were focusing on
What were your 3 main focus habits in this quarter. I hope that you were maintaining a habit tracker for all of these.
I was focusing on staying consistent with my reading, visualization and journaling.
Related : 15 healthy habits to start this year
2. I am most productive when I do ____
Are there any rituals that make you more productive? Maybe making to do lists is your thing.
I know that my phone and Instagram are major distractions for me, so when I sit down to work, I turn off all notifications on my phone.
3. I feel my best when I do ____
What is it that makes you happy? I recommend making a “good vibes list” of all the things that make you happy, big or small. Things like gratitude lists, following a routine, and learning new things work for me.
Make sure that you don’t rely heavily on extrinsic things like listening to a podcast or watching a motivational video. All this might work for a while and that’s great, but just be aware that you can’t rely on this forever.
4. Habit Score
The next section would be useful to you, if you kept a habit tracker in Q1. You can skip it otherwise.
Habit Score = How many days did I actually follow through on my habit. Is your score closer to, less than or more than what you indented at the beginning of the quarter.
- Habit #1 Score = ___/90
- Habit #2 Score = ___/90
- and Habit #3 Score = ___/90

5. How can I improve my habit scores next quarter?
What are the reasons behind your inconsistency? Even if you did great, you can always improve and level up!
6. Tangible results that these habits helped me accomplish
List down some noticeable changes that these habits brought in your life. Maybe you gained more confident, developed a positive attitude, lost weight, gained more energy, reduced anxiety.
Start observing your moods and body to get more clear on the results.
Next Up
Now that you’ve thoroughly analyzed Q1, you’re ready to plan your best quarter! The next post will be all about Q2 Goal setting.