This post is all about the 5 minute journal prompts ideas for beginner.
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It’s no secret that, journaling is beneficial for your self growth and helps in cultivating overall happiness. Yet there is a lot of resistance to journaling.
You’re constantly facing the dilemma of ‘What to write?’ or ‘How much time it will take?’. But the truth is, we’re overcomplicating the process.
I, for one, have always struggled with maintaining a consistent journal routine.
Mainly because journaling feels time consuming. And diving deep into your mind and processing your thoughts looks like an exhausting process.
I can start a morning routine with habits like exercising and reading, but will still skip journaling on most days.
No matter how beneficial it is!
And that is exactly why starting a 5 minute journal prompts will help you! It’ll help reduce the initial resistance and you don’t have to worry about scheduling a big chunk of time; if you’ve got 5 minutes, pick up your journal.
Also, having guided journal prompts solves the problem of deciding what to write about every day.
This post is all about the 5 minute journal prompts ideas for beginner.
Why should beginners start a gratitude journal first?
2 reasons, because it hardly takes 5 minutes and you get faster results.
I started my journaling habit with a gratitude journal practice because once you start a gratitude journal, you’ll immediately start seeing positive mindset shifts within weeks.
Especially if you find things to be grateful about even on your bad days.
And once you start seeing the results, it motivates you to stay consistent and dive deeper.
So, if you’re a beginner trying to establish a consistent journal practice but finding it difficult to get started and constantly worrying about what to write, this blog post is for you!
Here are forty 5 minute journal prompts to help you cultivate gratitude.
How do you start a 5 minute journal?
If you’re wondering how do you start a 5 minute journal, here’s everything you need to know as a beginner :
1) The first rule is that there are no rules!
There’s no right or wrong way to journal this, just a way that works for you. You don’t need to buy a specific journal or a fancy pen to start journaling. You don’t have to wake up at 5:00 AM to process your thoughts.
There are no such rules. It’s all about creating a journaling routine that helps you feel at peace and works for you.
2) Stop Judging Yourself
So, journaling is a process that helps you dive deeper in your thoughts and get closer to yourself.
And the worst thing that you can do as a beginner is start judging those thoughts because, Why would you want to continue something that makes you feel bad about yourself?
Just use journaling to be more aware of what’s going on inside your head and then start working on improving them. Accept what is and embrace the fact that you’re willing to work on it.
3) Switch off all your all the distractions
This is something that I experience with my journaling process that I get distracted too easily and that always breaks my chain of thoughts.
So, even if you’re journaling for 5 minutes, set up a non distracting environment. Switch off your phone or keep it in another room if you have to.
Don’t break your chain of thoughts because when you’re in the flow, there are a lot of things that come to your awareness that you didn’t even know were there on your mind.
4) stack it on top of pre existing habits
This is just something that will help you actually practically create a journaling routine. Basically, just stack your new journaling habit on top of your pre-existing ones.
So, if you go to the gym regularly, make it a point to answer your 5 minute journal prompts as soon as you get back.
When I was starting out, I used to gratitude journal on my way to my office. So I had to write down 3 things I was grateful for, as soon as I sat in the cab.
5) Have A Specific Place To Journal
Now, it’s not a mandatory rule to have a specific kind of journal to get started. But talking from personal experience, I feel that having a specific notebook to journal in helps create a sense of routine.
And it’s always nice to go back and look at the progress you’ve made. In fact get a cute journal if that makes you want to start writing everyday.
5 minute journal prompts
daily gratitude
- 3 amazing things that happened today
- What made you happy today?
- How did you practice self care today?
- 1 thing/person you were inspired by
- Write about something that made you happy?
- How can you make tomorrow 1% better?
- What’s your favorite time of the day these days?
- Something weird or random that brings you joy
- What your favorite season? And why?
prompts for a bad day
- Write about your day? What made it so bad? Is it really something worth paying attention to?
- What can you do right now to make yourself feel better?
- I know it can be hard, but write down 3 things that you’re grateful for in the moment. (Even if that’s something as simple as the weather)
- What do you need to tell yourself right now. (You’ve got this. You’ve survived 100% of your bad days so far)
- How can you seek help today?
- Write about your ideal day.
- When was the last time you felt the happiest? Write about that memory.
- What are you learning from this experience?
- Name one person you love. List your 5 favorite qualities.
- What is something you wished for years that you have now.
- Write 3 things you forgive yourself for, and 3 things you’re proud of doing today
5 Minute journal prompts for stress relief
- What’s bothering you really? Brain dump everything that’s on your mind.
- Is this something you can control? If yes, write down some of the ideas to solve this problem.
- If you can’t control it, how can you let it go? (I know this might be hard to do in the moment, but just write about how can you focus on other things that you have control over)
- How are the challenges in your life helping you grow?
- What’s your biggest accomplishment in life?
- Write about the last time you faced a challenge and how did that change you?
- How has god/universe helped you in the past?
- How can you simplify your life right now?
- Write about the last time you truly felt at peace.
- Think about someone who inspires you? What would they do in such a situation?
weekly / monthly reflections
- The best thing that happened to you last week was?
- One lesson that you’re grateful for.
- Goals you accomplished last month
- What are some of your qualities that helped you accomplish those goals?
- Highlight of the month
- What is something you’re looking forward to?
- You feel the most productive when . . .
- What do you want to do more of, in the next week?
- What was your favorite form of self care?
5 Minute journal prompts for self love
- 10 things you love about yourself
- 5 things that are unique to you
- Reminder to your future self?
- Something that you’re proud of overcoming or achieving
- Are you staying consistent with a healthy routine? How can you improve?
- What does your ideal day looks like?
- A time when you felt your most confident self.
- How can you make yourself a priority today?
- What excites you right now?
- What’s something new that you’ve learned?
- How’d you describe yourself? (In the main character vibes)
best 5 minute guided journals
1) “The Five-Minute Journal” by Intelligent Change

This is the ultra popular journal that you probably have already seen on Instagram and Pinterest. The best thing about it is that you can get started with your journaling in just 5 minutes.
2) “Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration” by Meera Lee Patel
If your purpose of journaling is to bring more self awareness and explore your passions and interests, this journal is for you. It isn’t one of those journals that’ll become irrelevant in a year.
It’s filled with self reflection journal prompts that you can fill at your own pace.
3) “Present, Not Perfect: A Journal for Slowing Down” by Aimee Chase
This is one the best mindfulness journals out there. The reviews are filled with people appreciating the fact that this journal helped ease their anxiety and stress, and I think that’s you cue to pick it up!
4) “The Happiness Project One-Sentence Journal: A Five-Year Record” by Gretchen Rubin
This is a different concept. Basically you do a one line gratitude entry every day. The best part is, this is a 5 year journal, so you can always go back to what you were grateful for this day last year.
5) “Day by Day : 100 Ways to Capture & Create Your Own Story” By Jess
Ok, I might be biased because I’ve been following Jess, the author of this journal, for a long time now. But this is the perfect journal for beginners.
From journal prompts, to mindful coloring pages, to gratitude lists, this journal is filled with creative ways to make journaling more fun.
Related Post
1) 10-Min Morning Routine Template When You Have No Time
2) 50 Daily Journal Questions For Beginners
3) 60+ Mindfulness Journal Prompts (+Free Pdf)