No more cancelling up on your weekend plans, and stress eating an entire bag of hot Cheetos because you have an overwhelming to-do list and no idea where to start!

Introducing :

Giving you all the hot productivity tips that actually work to cut your to-do list in half and get things done before Friday

You can finally go to the Sunday brunch and binge watch Schitts creek WITHOUT feeling guilty.

Productivity Parcel has everything you need to finally have a system that work for you and be on top of your to-dos without having to loose your sanity in the process.

Let me guess . . .

You just came back from a 2 day trip and NOW you to deal with a long to-do list. *ugh*

It’s so overwhelming, you tried to create a plan to finish it all but you don’t even know where to start.

So, you do the next best thing, go to sleep (or watch some Netflix) and avoid the problem. Wishing that to-do list will get shorter by tomorrow!

It's not like you haven't tried!

Honestly, at this point, you’d do anything to have a simple method that’ll you get shit done faster and finally have some time to just rest.

It’s not like you’re doing it wrong, you’re just making it harder than it’s supposed to be.

What you need . . . is a simple productivity system that you’ll actually enjoy (instead of the ones that are too strict and boring for you), so you spend more time actually finishing the work instead of creating a plan for the 100th time.

What you need is a simple 3 step method and productivity parcel to get the ball rolling.

After getting this parcel . . .

The tips and hacks inside these workshop are so simple and effective. If you start implementing them right away, you’ll be able to :

Finally have a plan that actually works for you

Get things done faster (not to do more work but to finally enjoy your rest time)

How to get back on track when sh*t Hits the fan

how to take breaks without breaking your momentum

never find yourself in this position again.

Busting your random productivity myths

What you'll get . . .

Finishing your to-do list before Friday (Worth $27)

Do you have a never ending to-do list. It makes you feel so overwhelmed that you don’t even get started on your tasks.

Giving you practical tips you need to tackle your to do lists with 100s of tasks in just 20 minutes!

How to not let your 3 hr break last for 3 days (Worth $37)

The only way we deal with those overwhelming tasks is by avoiding it and scrolling through Instagram. (me too!)

This is wasting you more time than you can imagine. I’m giving you a simple process to get out of that “break phase” and actually build the momentum.

How to create a productivity system that doesn't suck (Worth $27)

If you’ve started and quitted your weekly plans more times than you can count, this is for you!

Use this to finally create a system that works FOR you, instead of following random productivity gurus on the internet.

Did I tell you about the bonuses?

Reinventing life workbook (Worth $9)

2022-23 Planner (Worth $22)

You're getting $122 worth of stuff at just $47

what people are saying . . .

"This method has made a significant difference for me in just 10 days lol. I'm super focused on what I want."
"This really made me clear my mind on my priorities and what I want in my life from this year."
"I wanted to move into 2022 with a positive mindset, momentum high and new goals. Thank you for being here. I'm already obsessed!"

I'm not giving you the Generic ‘Put Your Phones In Other Rooms’, ‘Use Pomodoro Technique’ Productivity Tips that you've heard a million times before

I’m Giving You The Tried And Tested Hacks That'll Work For You Especially When You're Stuck In the overwhelm.

"I jus needed this, to fix me n find a new me, the real me!!"
"I can't wait to use your product. I'm so excited! Thank you . . I feel like this year is going to be better."

Hey! I'm Mayu

I’m giving the productivity parcel at such a low price because I’ve been there too!

I know you have a lot on your plate and that tends to overwhelm you. You made a smart move and created a plan to get shit done but staying consistent with it is a pain in the a.s.s.

You either have to put out fires or your breaks end up lasting longer than expected. And things keep piling up on your to-do list.

That’s what this bundle is going to help you solve – to finally get rid of the to-do ghost – without loosing your sanity!